RFID Feature
RFID is a feature of IntelliTrack and a division setting.
Note: When the RFID settingThis is a division setting. When ON, containers may be used in this division. This setting is available for the division when the role of the logged-in user includes the Container feature. is enabled for your Default DivisionThis is a required user preference setting, which gives the logged-in user access to division data. When you select a default division, all system information will be automatically set to the site or sites, locations/sublocations, items, and inventory at this division. The logged-in user's default division is always displayed on the application page in the upper right corner, underneath the username.
Note: To edit the RFID setting for a division, the role of the logged-in user must contain the RFID feature.
To use RFID, the following conditions must be met:
- The system must contain the RFID feature.
- The RFID option must be enabled for the default division.
An item may be set to use RFID, which means that you can commission an RFID tag number for this item. When an asset-type item uses RFID, any asset added to this item can also have an RFID tag number.
- The RFID tag number is tracked at the company level; this means that the RFID tag number cannot be duplicated in any division, site, or location contained within the entire company.
- The item/asset RFID tag number is optional.
- When an RFID item is added to inventory, the item quantity is automatically set to 1. When this item contains an RFID Tag Number, the quantity value of 1 cannot be changed.