RFID Feature

RFID is a feature of IntelliTrack and a division setting.

Note: When the RFID settingThis is a division setting. When ON, containers may be used in this division. This setting is available for the division when the role of the logged-in user includes the Container feature. is enabled for your Default DivisionThis is a required user preference setting, which gives the logged-in user access to division data. When you select a default division, all system information will be automatically set to the site or sites, locations/sublocations, items, and inventory at this division. The logged-in user's default division is always displayed on the application page in the upper right corner, underneath the username. (see "Setting Division Options"), the division uses RFID.

Note: To edit the RFID setting for a division, the role of the logged-in user must contain the RFID feature.

To use RFID, the following conditions must be met:


An item may be set to use RFID, which means that you can commission an RFID tag number for this item. When an asset-type item uses RFID, any asset added to this item can also have an RFID tag number.